Thanks for checking out Hammers and High Heels!  Here is a little bit about us...
I'm Carla and the ridiculously good looking man I blog with is Alex.
We met in 2005, started dating in 2006, and became husband and wife in August of 2009.
Genevieve McKeiver Photography

You might be wondering what happened between those years...
       We moved to Minneapolis, Minnesota from Grand Rapids, Michigan in 2007 for work. We spent our first two years in Minneapolis living downtown in a tiny box of a condo that had all the modern bells and whistles.  It was great being close to everything downtown and even walking to work, but with our desires and dreams outgrowing our small condo, we realized we needed more space.
We had talked about buying our first home a few times, and we always knew we wanted to own a historic home with character.  We ended up finding a charming little Dutch Colonial home that seemed to speak to our hearts (even through the peach paint that covered every wall).

Hammers and High Heels is our blog documenting our adventures turning a 1924 Dutch Colonial with a lot of potential into the home of our dreams.

We...Renovate, decorate, and design on a budget.
Are true believers in DIY projects and learning as we go.
Get inspiration and ideas from antique or architectural salvage stores.
Have a soft spot in our hearts for old homes and neighborhoods in need of some TLC.
Know that not everyday in renovation land is fun, but a good sense of humor is the key to staying sane.
(hope you liked that last one, so true!) 

Please stop by (or become a follower!) to see our progress as we have discovered that turning our dream home into a reality requires a lot of work, inspiration, and trips to Home Depot.
Along for the ride are our 'kids' Sadie and Rocco. Rocco was our first pup, he is a Shih Tzu- the white fluffy little guy on the top left. Sadie is our second pup, she is a German Shorthair Pointer- the bigger pup on the right. 
 What are we up to when we aren't working on our house?
Trust me, we aren't always working on the house!  Alex and I both work full time (which fills up most of our time). We love to go out to new restaurants, bars, try new foods, cook at home, see movies (I know more movie trivia than most, try me!), take our dogs to the dog park, or have friends over for food and games.

Alex loves biking, road, mountain, and cyclo cross.  He is a cycling fanatic, another big reason we picked our house, can't get any closer to those trails at Theo Wirth.  He also recently started Home brewing, guess we can add that to our DIY list!

I love all things home decor, design, a good DIY decor project, fashion, trends, shoes, and trashy reality TV shows (I can't help it, Real Housewives on Bravo anyone?).  My newest love is blogging!  I love all the great people I have met through blogging, every new follower or comments means so much to me!  The blog community is awesome!

Oh, one more thing we love.....  NOMI (North Minneapolis)!!!! This community is revitalizing, building a valuable identity and a strong sense of community.  It is an amazing thing to be apart of!